Zeinab El Hawari International Admissions Counselorelhawarz@stjohns.edu 718-990-6104
Territory you recruit in: Africa and South Asia
How many years have you worked in admission: 1 year
Favorite thing about St. John’s: As a former alumna, St. John’s has given me the opportunity to connect with many students from around the world with different backgrounds and has opened doors for my career path in ways I never knew were possible.
Advice you would give to a student applying to St. John’s: Start your application process to St. John’s as early as you can so that you have enough time to submit all the required documents!
Favorite spot on campus to eat: Freshens
Advice you would give to a student who have been accepted to St. John’s and what they should take advantage of as a first year student: Take advantage of all the resources that St. John’s has to offer. We are here to make your transition feel as smooth as possible.