Ding Huang's Upcoming Schedule

    Ding Dean Huang photo

    Ding Huang
    Regional Recruitment Manager

    Territory you recruit in: East Asia & Southeast Asia

    How many years have you worked in admission: 4

    Favorite thing about St. John’s University: Diverse and inclusive community

    Advice you would give to a student applying to St. John’s University: SJU’s outstanding academic reputation and excellent location will ensure you having the opportunity to pursue your life dreams.

    Favorite spot-on campus to eat lunch: Marillac Cafeteria

    Advice you would give to a student who have been accepted to St. John’s and what they should take advantage of as a first year student: Stay informed about important university updates. Attend networking events, career fairs, and alumni gatherings, which will open your doors to future opportunities.

    Back to Counselor Directory, or view full event map.

    Where will I be on the road this year?

    (Please be sure to note the time zone of the event for which you are registering.)
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled