Maggie Panzera Assistant
Territory you recruit in: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands
How many years have you worked in admission: 16 years
Favorite thing about St. John’s University: I love its mission to social justice issues both in the US and around the world. I also love the tightknit alumni community we have.
Advice you would give to a student applying to St. John’s University: Don’t be afraid to ask about what other scholarship awards are available in addition to our merit-based scholarships.
Favorite spot-on campus to eat lunch: Freshens in Marillac Hall has a variety of tasty healthy options.
Advice you would give to a student who have been accepted to St. John’s and what they should take advantage of as a first-year student: Make sure to take advantage of the over 180 student organizations we have available. There is something that will interest every student on campus, and this is a great way to make new friends!
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