Xiang Li's Upcoming Schedule

    Xiang Li
    Admissions Counselor

    Territory you recruit in:
    Northwest Queens, Northeast Queens

    How many years have you worked in

    Favorite thing about St. John’s University: Location, professors, and internship/job opportunities. Just by being in NYC, students are provided with great resources to help further their goals.

    Advice you would give to a student applying to St. John’s University: Spend time and put efforts on your college application research.

    Favorite spot-on campus to eat lunch: Marillac Food Court

    Advice you would give to a student who have been accepted to St. John’s University and what they should take advantage of as a first year student: Prioritize personal growth through exploration. Unforeseen experiences have contributed to people’s successes, some unknown in university. Embrace new challenges, expand your thinking, and venture off the traditional path to find exciting adventures.

    Back to Counselor Directory, or view full event map.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you don't see your school listed here, I may still be visiting.  Talk to your College Counselor for more information. 

    To schedule a One on One Virtual Appointment with me, click on one of the dates in the calendar below. To make an appointment to speak with Financial Aid, click here. I look forward to connecting with you. 

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled